Exam responses that you wished you’d made…




See the rest here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/5107/they-did-nt-study

I thought you would appreciate a little chuckle. Humor usually conceals some darker truths however. Children are not atomized units of labor in the pre-production stage. Their creativity and individuality should be fostered and encouraged. The modern trend seems to be a sole focus on repeating “information” which only serves to create adults that remain “in formation.” Break the mold!!

One love,


About H3nry J3kyll
Vincit omnia veritas (using an obscure Latin heraldry motto makes one seem somewhat learned and distinguished).

12 Responses to Exam responses that you wished you’d made…

  1. cindy knoke says:

    just put a 1 and 0 in from of the grade and all will be right in the world!!!
    Love this!!

  2. cindy knoke says:

    I am sending this to my grad student kids and bio-stat prof hubby. Each of these answers would warrant a perfect score on any of my tests!!

  3. cindy knoke says:

    sorry last comment: reminds me of a t-shirt I want, “Another Day I Didn’t Use Calculus”

  4. Jeff Nguyen says:

    Amen, critical thinking and creativity lie at the heart of education. The English word “education” is a derivation of the Latin verb educes, which means “to draw forth from within.” Eventually, individuals must not rely on systems or institutions for their learning and realize question and search out knowledge for themselves. The barriers to this are the myriad of gatekeepers in place to stifle and suppress such seekers. This humor hit the spot, glad you shared it, Henry.

    • H3nry J3kyll says:

      You’re welcome bud. Laughter is the best medicine, or so they say.

    • weavergrace says:

      For the first time since high school, I’m finding many people at coursera.org who are learning for the sake of learning, not to just get credentials. Another blog post in the writing…

      Sure, some of my classmates fuss over “cheating” on requirements for Certificates of Completion, but I choose to complete the courses in which we collaborate on assignments in the discussion forums, and develop creative interactions in which we support rather than compete with each other.

      Jeff, you remind me of someone who said something about a teacher being unable to teach what a student doesn’t already know.

  5. skywanderer says:

    Rolling on the curve up and down :D

    Thanks for the laugh, H3nry – or does it yield H∞nry by now?

    • H3nry J3kyll says:

      Skywanderer my friend, it’s good to hear your voice again. Hope all is well in your your neck of the woods, or as well as can be given the various situations we must confront on a daily basis. The “curve” also had me rolling.
      As far as the spelling change, I was reflecting on a year of blogging and figured a mod to the moniker was in order.

      Thank you for the re-blog amigo.

  6. skywanderer says:

    Reblogged this on Fun for bloggers & other animated animals and commented:
    A 3-kg seriously funny object has been released from rest at a height of 5m on a curved frictionless ramp of a face – often referred to as ‘smile’ or ‘LOL’ – and landed on H3nry’s blog. :D :D :D

  7. Pingback: Reason for the global crisis: the political elephant on the macroeconomic curve – and the solution | Family Hurts Inc - Inquiry, News & Critique

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