Calling a Spade a Spade…

Just in case more evidence was necessary to overcome lingering AIPAC narratives, here is another snippet from the indefatigable Irish MP quoting directly from the horse’s mouth:

The Most Beautiful One has left the ideal for us to practice forgiveness against those whose hurtful actions are grounded in ignorance. Hold neither anger nor hatred in your heart towards any human being, but instead, strive to act in harmony with that which is Good, Beautiful, and True.

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” – ArchBishop Desmond Tutu

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” – Dr. Martin L. King

“Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly.” – Mahatma Gandhi

that should be enough. Always nice to find resonance with the heavyweights.

One love,

Sunday Matinee: Ancient Mystery of the Archons

Plebeians, Patricians, and Pleiadians,

I thought I’d deliver our Sunday usual before heading off to Jedi training at 221B Baker Street.

Achieving immortality renders you largely immune to programming but doesn’t diminish your empathic capacity, on the contrary, it increases. It’s been 21 days now that Israel has continued its ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian land. Three weeks of hellfire and brimstone raining from the heavens on a group of men, women, and children fenced in like cattle. This is both a novelty in modern warfare and a genocide being executed with the full faith and credit of Washington. 24 hr bombing, no water, no food, medical aid denied, U.N. shelter bombed, need I continue? And please compadres, don’t fall for the simple-minded ruse articulated by the corporate propaganda machine that conflates the Hebrew people with the state apparatus that is Israel.

Barbaric Zionism CANNOT be equated with the practitioners of the Jewish faith.  Furthermore, using the horrendous plight of the Jews in the 20th Century to advance an agenda of Middle East destabilization is both reprehensible and a wretched attempt at manipulation.  I know the John of Patmos crowd will definitely like this one – and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan (Rev 2:9).  Looks like my father was right, even the devil can quote scripture.

While criticism of Israel is usually tantamount to professional suicide, such limitations are inapplicable to winged charioteers. The WCLU has carved a nice exception for its members. I guess now you see why the establishment despises organized labor folks. A “people without a land finding a land without a people” is a hegemonic, entrenched mythology articulated and reinforced by the Perfidious Albion and Yankee Doodle. THERE WERE PEOPLE LIVING IN PALESTINE for all 2000 years prior to 1948!

I am no anti Semite and readily support a two state solution, but ever ask yourself why one has never been achieved? And why the fellas who almost brokered a resolution, Anwar Sadat and Yitzhak Rabin were both assassinated?  Hmmm, some 3rd party has always seemed to be operating subversively behind the scenes. Maybe the boys at Baker Street will know more. The good doctor and the detective usually have their fingers on the pulse of Capitalism’s Invisible Army.

Since Rabin, these neocon/ neoliberal statesmen, and I use the term “statesmen” very liberally, have been in charge with free reign.  They’ve continuously defied the U.N. with an illegal blockade of Gaza, executed multiple unprovoked acts of aggression, and slowly suffocated the descendants of the people who initially welcomed their ancestors in the late 1800’s – the first wave of Jewish return to Palestine. For some rather bizarre reason unbeknownst to me however, Israel somehow manages to get the one obstruction vote from a certain permanent member of the U.N. Security Council that prevents any issues related to their illegality of their conduct from reaching the General Assembly.

(**Extra credit assignment – Articulate the difference between neo-con and neoliberal ideology. Just gotta love Newspeak lol)

Ah, but you didn’t stop by my cyber-crib for poli-tricks. Check out the work of Illan Pappe, Norman Finkelstein, and Noam Chomsky if you seek some balance to Faux News and the Crony Broadcasting Service on Israeli-Palestine relations.

Now on to the fun stuff.  I’ve been thinking about what underpins the mindset of men who display what Roger Waters called “the bravery of being out of range.” The orchestration of brutality from the cool comfort of air-conditioned offices sans any change in physiological response is something that I simply have problems wrapping my head around. At least the stooges of yore led the charge on the battlefield. This is a different animal entirely. You know something tribe, it’s gotta be pathological. So the logical question that would naturally follow is – infected by what? That’s where today’s share comes in.  John Lash’s interpretations of the Gnostic teachings are interesting to say the least. As far as belief goes, how about a nice quote by the Swiss mystic instead? (calling Master Jung a therapist is like referring to sex as reproduction) P.L.U.R. amigos.

 – “The word “believe” is a difficult thing for me. I don’t believe; I must have a reason for a certain hypothesis. Either I know a thing; and when I know it, I don’t need to believe it. If I don’t allow myself, for instance, to believe a thing just for sake of believing it. I can’t believe it! But when there are sufficient reasons for a certain hypothesis, I shall accept these reasons naturally.” – Carl Jung

One love,


Share the Wealth: The Idyll of the White Lotus by Mabel Collins

white lotus

What’s shakin’ Soul Rebels?!

Before we get to the fun stuff, I’ve purposely procrastinated putting pen to paper to provide you any pot-luck pontifications as of late partners. The topics usually addressed by yours truly just seem like idle idiocy when you examine the state of affairs confronting people in every corner of the globe – Palestine, Chiapas, Africa, Brazil, and of course, the home of the hot dog eating contest. Billions for bullets while water is no longer viewed as a basic human right? smh  As Israel molds Manifest Destiny in its own image, I must wonder whether Benito Juarez and Sitting Bull were similarly branded as “terrorists” as the historical narrative unfolded. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree as the saying goes. There’s a great essay on the current status of the Palestinian genocide that a fellow blogger recently brought to my attention, click here for more.

For all men, women and children that choose to die on their feet rather than live on their knees in the face of wretched persecution, your stories do not always go unheard amigos. Not everyone is interested in watching a mass debasing of the digestive facility while children go to bed hungry within earshot of the resultant retching from rapidly eating entrails wrapped in a bun and topped with relish and mustard.

Whew! I had to get that off my chest.

If some two millenia ago Juvenal had failed to urge the inquiry “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” or “Who will guard the guardians?”, the timeless corruptibility of power seeking men may quite likely have remained somewhat obscure. Ergo, given the inherent corruption that plagues all systems of governance, one unfamiliar with such literature may likely posit that the reptilian shape-shifters really have seized control over the minds of the powers that be. This plot could be easily facilitated through a system of operant conditioning whereby anti–human values are positively reinforced via a brainwashing apparatus. Or as colloquially referenced, – an institution of higher learning.  But such fanciful postulates aside, ever peruse the curriculum of a random graduate school of management?

Trust me folks, the focus is squarely on reinforcing yield maximization and not facilitating the blossoming of human potential. The people aren’t necessarily bad, they’ve just been taught that humans are a resource to be used much like a AAA battery. Management training schools do not readily extol humanitarian values in the instructive process as these often cannot be readily reconciled with the pursuit of profit. Methinks that this doesn’t bode well for this human experiment as these institutions are the crucibles in which the decision makers of tomorrow are forged.  Hmmm, let’s see, poison the drinking water of an indigenous population or pay the costs of safe and appropriate waste disposal?

Well, it’s no secret how the fluffers of the corporate phallus align themselves on that and similar issues when the well being of people come into conflict with the profit motive. For you special people out there who reject this model and realize that you don’t manage individuated units of production but instead manage fathers, mothers and brothers, and that profound consequences arise from the decisions that you make, I sincerely admire and applaud your position (you know who you are, wink wink!). These are the folk I call the “Leaders of the New School” as the service model of leadership is definitely a monumental step in the right direction.

Before we progress any further I also wanted to express gratitude to my blogospheric kin who indulge my occasional Hyde Park soapbox routine. It’s nice to know that my ideas resonate with folks besides the Artful Dodger and the other Jedi here in Hyperborea. That being said, what I really wanted to share today was a little gem in the public domain I stumbled across while searching for a map to Shambhala. You know the drill peeps, always free and short. I thought about adding “impactful” to the list of criteria for this series, but it’s too subjective an abstraction for my liking. One man’s meat is another’s poison as they say.

This little book is a real treat especially when illumined by the suggested commentary. I’ll link to both at the end.  My position has always been grounded in the individual apprehension of truth thus any understanding I may share will only skew your reading of the text. So there’ll be no marring with my musings compadres. As with other parts of this series, I’ll provide a few brief quotes to ignite your interest.  If not your cup of tea, I wish you the utmost success on your journey of self discovery. Life after all is but a vehicle of interior transformation.

The Idyll of the White Lotus was written by Mabel Collins and published in the late 19th Century.  Esoteric symbolism aside (see Rao’s commentary), it‘s a fun narrative about an Egyptian hierophant and has been described by the publishers as:

“[A} story told in all ages, and among every people. It is the tragedy of the soul. Attracted by desire, it stoops to sin; brought to itself by suffering, it turns for help to the redeeming spirit within and in the final sacrifice achieves its apotheosis and sheds a blessing on mankind. It is a story of initiation written in tender and beautiful language, and bears on its face the stamp of verdicity in simplicity and dignity.”

From the text:

“There are three truths which are absolute, and which cannot be lost, but yet may remain silent for lack of speech.

“The soul of man is immortal, and its future is the future of a thing whose growth and splendor has no limit.

“The principle which gives life dwells in us, and without us, is undying and eternally beneficent, is not heard or seen or smelt, but is perceived by the man who desires perception.

“Each man is his own absolute lawgiver, the dispenser of glory or gloom to himself; the decreer of his life, his reward, his punishment.”

Pretty heavy stuff huh?

Links: The Idyll of the White Lotus by Mabel Collins

T. Subba Rao’s commentary on the text, click here

Till we meet again, guide your lives by compassion and truth amigos, and remember -Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.

One love,


Vigilante Tantrums


Friends, Romans, countrymen, and even my fellow psychic explorers who tune in from time to time, I think a chat is somewhat overdue. Today’s controlling archetype seems to be the valiant sentinel chicken and a clucking is in order. Got some stuff on my mind that just might interest you.  In the realm of epidemiology, our friend the sentinel chicken is housed several miles from the outskirts of a population center to indicate potential infectious threats.  Well, it seems to this vagabond toting words, that the infections associated with Consumer Capitalism 2.0 are mental in nature and require identification to facilitate distillation within the crucible of your lives.

Lemme first apologize about the radio silence as every now and again I like to engage my mental cloaking device for a minor reprieve from the information overload. The incessant data delivery is definitely detrimental, even to devotees of the Dewey decimal system.  Speaking of going all Death Star on their asses, I’ve been meaning to do a post for those of you who desire a certain degree of web anonymity.  Let’s just say that the Jedi and the Sith are engaged in a battle for the soul of the web and you’ve been told that the guys on your side, that the new “Freedom Fighters,” are your enemies.

Are you surprised by this? If so you may reference Iraq, Vietnam, and ask just how barely literate guys in predominantly Afro-American projects learned the process whereby sodium bicarbonate is used to chemically de-protonate cocaine hydrochloride salt into its purest base form with exponentially higher addictive properties.  Trust me folks, the “crack epidemic” and its mandatory minimums were created long before any implementation. And if you really want something to crack you up (just couldn’t resist), you may wanna ask about how the fellas that started feeding programs for poverty-stricken ghetto children were declared as threats to national security while you’re at it.  I think a res ipsa loquitor reference may be warranted here.  This action definitely speaks for itself.  (See COINTELPRO)

If you’re concerned about online privacy with all the internet monitoring buzz here are some links to get you started.  If you don’t want all-seeing eyes prying into your web traffic, do some research into the TOR Browser Project, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), and the search engine DuckDuckGo. This should point you in the right direction to get going.  Imho, Aaron Swartz, Jeremy Hammond, Julian Assange, and Anonymous are not your enemies.  The golfers who launch drones, criminalize dissent, and define national security as the right to slaughter innocents and overthrow democratically elected world leaders are waaaay more detrimental to your well-being. (Just ask Jacob Arbenz, Salvador Allende, and Mohammed Mossadeq to name a few.)

The internet is a forum for open dissemination of ideas and it MUST not be relegated to the status of a fancy mall. If not for a free and open web, we might still believe that a million Iraqi people were slaughtered for their own freedom, or that Israel is a benevolent nation threatened by the terrible Palestinians. This maybe considered reality in Hollywood or via other media channels owned by the sycophants of a Zionist state, but not in the real world amigos.  Israel’s actions are considered illegal everywhere but Congress, AIPAC fundraisers, and on the set of Death before Dishonor.

Copyright protection seems to be at the core of the arguments for restricting the web, but technology giveth and technology taketh away. These 75+ year extended copyright protections granted to the D.C. pocket stuffers are absurd. Disney, Warner Bros, Universal et al built their fortunes on expanding upon ideas that already existed within the realm of human consciousness. Now they have the audacity to attempt to restrict the internet to protect copyright? I wonder if the share-cropper blues artists whose music was “borrowed” by the Rolling Stones and Elvis had claimed copyright violation, whether their claims to restrict content use and seek remuneration would be considered. Or whether they could utilize legal channels to seek injunctive relief to prevent theft of their songs?  How about Walt Disney “borrowing” Snow White and The Little Mermaid from the public domain without fear of reproach? Think you can “use” a Disney character or Warner song in your artistic creation?  Mickey will sue you and your heirs in perpetuity.

Most of us who blog are likely already aware of much of this, but I also write for the 16 year old guy or gal who’s just beginning to forge an identity and is inundated with ideology infused by a system that seeks to dehumanize him or her.  This is usually paired with absurd propositions like honor lies not in truth, compassion or ethics, but honor is surrendering all divine notions of individuality, having someone scream at and belittle you, and then sacrificing your life and limb without question for the balance sheets of GE and Halliburton. You will get a pin on your shirt though. I humbly ask, is this honor? Maybe to the same cabal who define transparency as the concealing of information from the public domain or democracy as installation of a compliant sociopath. This is irrefutable and both right and left wingers MUST concede this. The evidence is overwhelming.

Our friend Mr. Dawkins (wink wink!) coined the term meme back in the 1970s. A meme is essentially the smallest unit of an idea. The Marlboro Man is a meme.  $200 Air Jordan sneakers are a meme. Consuming rare, red meat is a meme. Most of us are quite willing to accept our memes from Madison Avenue, but in doing so, the only sacrifice to which we must succomb is the surrender of our individuality. What I’m trying to say brethren is don’t let others dictate the criteria of your consciousness.  One neither extols masculinity by consuming red meat to his detriment nor imbues herself with the celestial feminine by painting her face after injecting with botulism toxins.

Do you ever think about the source of your ideas? I mean where do you buy the goggles through which you view the world? We sure do love umbrella terms like Democrat, Republican, Christian, Jew, Muslim, or Libertarian, but what do these really mean? I freakin despise labels and to me a label means that when it comes to a particular subject, I don’t think for myself. Instead I surrender my inquiry and adopt whole-heartedly the half-assed promulgations of patriarchs.  Do you really want your conceptions of the universe framed by men in dresses, your manner of clothing determined by clueless “celebrities,” and your behavioral cues dictated by a sequence of light emitting diodes blinking in rapid succession?  When we look at just how daft our positions were in the past, I don’t  believe that we should consider our present conceptions are any less so. (See Cold War, shoulder pads, bell bottoms and jerry curls.)

I think this epistle serves up enough food for thought and I’ll stop there for today. Gracias for listening and would love any cogitations that you may wish to share. If you apply any definition to yourself folks, methinks you limit all other possible states. If I call myself a Buddhist, it means I couldn’t be an Alchemist. If I call myself a Republican, I couldn’t be a pacifist.  We could continue ad infinitum, but I think you get the idea.  Be lights unto yourselves Homo Luces, anything else is a disservice to your majestic nature.

One love,


The Syrian War: What You’re Not Being Told

The United Stasi of Aggression and its European cheerleaders are at it once again and seeking to spread “democracy” to another sovereign state. The alleged use of chemical weapons is the threshold limit beyond which the West will tolerate no more.

“Hey Kettle!”

“Yes, Pot.”

“You look a little blackened bud.”

Uncle Sam, Israel and the Brittunculi are the only users of teratogenic and toxic depleted uranium weapons. Despite the arguments made regarding Saddam and WMDs during the build up to Iraq, the Allies were the parties guilty of unleashing radioactive weapons against the Iraqi people.
Notice during the Iraqi conflict the Imperialist Brits stood in lock step with Uncle Sam while the French claimed the moral highground. “IndoChina? What IndoChina? Vive la France. Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, ou la Mort.”
This go-round France is all in and the British shall heed the rule of law but as history has revealed, “the sun never sets on the (insert redaction here).”
When three of the top five exporters of arms and weaponry express outrage about war, something is amiss. Enough old men talking and young men dying.

Beating the Bomb

Despite all the sound bites regarding weapons of mass destruction in the media, the US and Britain continue to develop and stockpile nuclear arsenals. Furthermore, along with  Israel, they support and have used depleted uranium weapons disregarding global opposition and downplaying the teratogenic effects. Will the real genocidal maniacs please stand and be recognized? I often try to step outside myself and wonder how can a person sleep when their hands are stained with the blood of innocent children. We deprive men of their freedom for growing herb yet reward war profiteers and their political henchmen with book deals and speaking engagements. Humanity still seems so voluntarily primitive in much of its behavior.

One love,


The Bravery of Being out of Range 

You have a natural tendency
To squeeze off a shot
You’re good fun at parties
You wear the right masks
You’re old but you still
Like a laugh in the locker room
You can’t abide change
You’re at home on the range
You opened your suitcase
Behind the old workings
To show off the magnum
You deafened the canyon
A comfort a friend
Only upstaged in the end
By the Uzi machine gun
Does the recoil remind you
Remind you of sex
Old man what the hell you gonna kill next
Old timer who you gonna kill next
I looked over Jordan and what did I see
Saw a U.S. Marine in a pile of debris
I swam in your pools
And lay under your palm trees
I looked in the eyes of the Indian
Who lay on the Federal Building steps
And through the range finder over the hill
I saw the frontline boys popping their pills
Sick of the mess they find
On their desert stage
And the bravery of being out of range
Yeah the question is vexed
Old man what the hell you gonna kill next
Old timer who you gonna kill next
Hey bartender over here
Two more shots
And two more beers
Sir turn up the TV sound
The war has started on the ground
Just love those laser guided bombs
They’re really great
For righting wrongs
You hit the target
And win the game
From bars 3,000 miles away
3,000 miles away
We play the game
With the bravery of being out of range
We zap and maim
With the bravery of being out of range
We strafe the train
With the bravery of being out of range
We gained terrain
With the bravery of being out of range

Roger Waters

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